Do We Need Relationship Help or Counseling?
Are our struggles "normal", or do we need help to repair our relationship?

* No matter what I say, it is taken wrong and thrown back in my face.
* Conversations over small things escalate into heated arguments.
* My partner has shutdown and withdrawn physically or emotionally.
* My partner seems frustrated or angry a great deal of the time.
* There is a great deal of tension between me and my partner.
* I feel like I walk on eggshells. I try to avoid sensitive topics.
* It feels as though my partner never listens to me.
* My sex life has no 'life' in it , and has lost its spark.
* I feel alone, even though I am in a relationship.
* I feel like the only attention I receive is negative criticism.
* I am really struggling to forgive a betrayal.
* I am at the end of my rope.
If you answered YES while reading the list above, then Relationship Help will likely benefit you. While every relationship is different, it never hurts to do what you can to strengthen your relationship.
What are the Early Warning Signs of Relationship Problems?
Just like with any problem, the earlier you see and address the warning signs of problems in your relationship, the better chance you have of resolving the issues. If you're asking "Do we need relationship counseling?", then the chances are high that you may be seeing one of these early warning signs in your own relationship.
#1: You Can't Seem to Talk Anymore
If you find that it's difficult even just to have a simple conversation with your partner without it ending in an argument or confrontation, there is definitely a danger for things to become worse.
95% of all couples who get divorced cite "an inability to communicate" as their motivating factor.
#3: You Don't Think Your Partner FEELS Your Love (Or vice-versa)
Does it feel like you're not appreciated? Or that the things you do for them go unnoticed? It's possible that you and your partner are simply speaking two different languages. It will remain difficult to grow your relationship unless you learn how your partner best understands and communicates love.
#5: You Rather Stay Away Than Be at Home
If you find that you would rather stay at work later, or go out with friends than be home and spend time with your partner, that's a sure sign that something isn't right. If you can't find a way to enjoy the time you have with your partner, it's certain that things won't last.
#7: Your Relationship Feels Like A LOT of Work
The reality is that relationships do require maintenance. Different personalities value different work. But if it feels like your relationship is taking up all of your time and energy to hold it together, there isn't room for enjoyment. While there may be difficult times, your relationship shouldn't feel like another full-time job.
#2: You Feel Disconnected
If your partner feels distant, or if you start to notice that you don't understand their moods, what's important to them, or you feel like you're living two completely different lives apart from each other, it may be time to address it and find a way to reconnect.
#4: Sex is Infrequent Or Lacking Spark
Physical intimacy is the bedrock for many marriages. Without physical intimacy bonding and connecting you and your partner there can be gaps or chips in the relationship and one partner or the other can begin to feel that the love is no longer alive.
#6: You're Bored
Routines in life can feel comforting and manageable but not if routines turn into ruts. No marriage is at its best on autopilot. There are many things that attempt to steal your time, energy and attention in life, but if you and your partner aren't finding the time to find some excitement in your relationship, things may become even more difficult.
#8: Your World Revolves Around Your Kids
Parenting is obviously one of the very most important responsibilities you have, but if you find that the only thing you and your spouse have in common is great kids, there is a real problem, not only for you but for your children as well. So if your marriage has turned into a management and entertainment company for your children, it's time to stop, take a real look at your relationship, and find a way to make it as important as your children.
If you're seeing these warning signs
in your relationship, the best time to do something is RIGHT NOW.
Get started today from the comfort of your own home—RelationshipHelpAtHome.com makes it so very simple for you to start today and alter the way your relationship is not working.
Relationship Help at Home: Online Couples Counseling Program
This powerful, effective, and affordable 26-Week relationship, personality and communication course is perfect for repairing
restoring and bringing understanding and respect back to your relationship from the comfort of your home.
The Online Relationship Help At Home Program is the best fit for anyone looking for the biggest bang for their buck.The Relationship Help at Home Program is couple's counseling and education at it's best. It is private, intimate and completely at your convenience. It is a wonderful way to reboot, enhance and dramatically improve your relationship. This comprehensive online relationship program allows you to do the work of healing and fortifying your relationship at your own pace, in the comfort of your own home. This program works whether you do it alone or together, and relationship and personality expert Dawn Billings is with you every step of the way.
This entire program costs less than two private sessions with Dawn Billings and was designed to take just five minutes a day. if you are concerned that you and your partner are losing that 'loving feeling' and your communication is stressed, difficult and tense. If you feel that your relationship is suffering, and you want to understand how to restore it before it is too late, this is a great program for you.

Learn More About Relationship Help's Other Programs
Relationship Help provides several programs designed to repair your relationship, improve your communication, and re-spark your love in a way that works best for you. Learn more about your other programs, like our Healing Resort, one-on-one counseling, and more.
Learn to Love Again: A Note From the Author
Dawn Billings

I have done everything I can to make this unique learning experience the most reasonably priced, fun, relaxing, and impactful way to help you heal your relationships and save your marriage. I spent five years putting all of this material together for you and I believe it is my legacy work.
In this program you will learn the causes of misery and unhappiness and be introduced to the six most common killers of relationships. Once you become more aware of what is damaging your relationship, we will concentrate on the methods, strategies and techniques proven to enhance and strengthen relationship. You will also gain amazing personality insights about YOU and your partner through the Primary Colors Relationship Personality Tests, and I guarantee you will enjoy it.. Through this relationship online course, I will provide answers to the most difficult questions and solutions for how to effectively manage and ease their burden.